Announcement: Wasder x Bit Hotel
We’re really excited to announce that have partnered up with Bit Hotel for our very first season of the Wasder pass. Be on the lookout for Bit Hotel Beta Keys, digital stickers, NFT’s and more because it’s time to check-in!
It all starts with season one
We’re getting ready to launch our very first season of the Wasder pass. So what’s that? The Wasder pass is the gamification of Wasder where our users can earn unique rewards for using the platform and contributing to making our community awesome. By levelling up through the pass you will be able to unlock everything from digital stickers to in-game NFTs that you can use to express yourself wherever you go and really make your presence felt on Wasder. The first season will contain a collection of unique digital stickers from Wasder and Bit Hotel, more rewards such as NFTs will be added in upcoming seasons.
The partnership that keeps on giving
Both Wasder and Bit Hotel are all about giving back to our communities and that’s truly reflected in this collaboration. There will be plenty of loot to be had for everyone during the course of this adventure together — from Bit Hotel Beta Keys, unique digital stickers and even a NFT drop to our Mystery Box Holders. Follow Wasder and Bit Hotel on Twitter to not miss a thing.
This is Bit Hotel
Bit Hotel is a Social-first Play 2 Earn NFT Gaming Metaverse, in which users can compete to earn Bit Hotel tokens and acquire native NFTs. These NFTs have in-game usability and consist of characters, hotel rooms, furniture and other artifacts that have their own perks. What are you waiting for, get to playing here.