Say you want to meet new friends to play with or find great content and conversations that inspires, where do you even start? We believe it starts with you and the games you love to play.
That’s why we‘re super excited to announce our latest update. Our improved Home feed really puts you in the driver’s seat of your experience on Wasder. It’s now easier than ever to gather your friends around the games you love to play as well as staying on top of the content and conversations that matter. 🙌
Everything that Matters in One Place.
So what kind of powers are granted to our users with the new and improved Home feed? Don’t worry we’re not going to make you guess, so here it is. The updated Home Feed gives you the ability to gather everything you care about in one place. It’s populated by your favourite games that you‘ve chosen in your Game Spaces as well your friends and the people you follow. This is good news for anyone that wish to stay on top of all the things that matters. We know we do! Want to take your newfound ability for a spin? Check out your Home Feed on Wasder.