ETH/WAS Liquidity Pool Staking on opens this Friday @ 3pm UTC
On Friday, May 21, at 3pm UTC the first part of our Liquidity Staking program will be available with our friends over at The first pair to go live is ETH/WAS on the Uniswap pool. On top of the percentage of the fees you’re getting from Uniswap, Wasder will be sending out 15,000,000 reward tokens per month the first two months in the ETH/WAS pool. These tokens will be rewarded based on what percentage of the pool you own.
After our first pair has been launched, we will launch a second pair, which will be with the ZERO token from Soon after our WAS/ZERO launch on the ETH network, we will be launching the first pair on the BSC network, which will be BNB/WAS on PancakeSwap. More details to come on our BSC token.
Lock Tokens to Unlock Epic Rewards
At Wasder we want to reward everyone that believes in us long term. The first rewards will be activated shortly. Everyone that locks tokens for a certain amount of time will be rewarded based on what time and amount you lock. NFT rewards will be granted once the usability for them is implemented in the product. We estimate this to be at the end of Q4 2021. So in short — earn rewards while we build!
The lockups will go live within a few days, so keep your eyes on Wasder, and get ready for maximum effort & maximum rewards! You can join our Telegram group at