Merging Worlds with Milesdogeyes.

5 min readMar 13, 2023



For Season 12 — Merging worlds, we knew two things. Firstly, we wanted to create something out of this world, and secondly, we needed someone with exceptional talent to bring that to life. Enter Milesdogeyes, whose collaboration perfectly converged his signature style and our virtual self-expression, resulting in truly unique phygital rewards and Wasder Pass stickers.

Wasder Community Manager Ross recently sat down with Milesdogeyes for an interview to discuss the collaboration, his process, gaming and willies dressed in armour competing in the Olympics.

“Video games are for going into another world, and drawing is to bring worlds out of your head into this one.”

— Milesdogeyes

Ross: Let’s get this started with an introduction to Milesdogeyes.
Miles: My name is Miles, also known by my creative name MilesDogeyes, I was born in Manchester in the early ’90s, I went to University in Leeds, where I did my foundation in Graphics Illustration & Digital Media, then onto a BA in Visual Communication and now in Bristol doing my Masters in Graphic Design. You know how there was always that one kid at school that drew willies on everyone’s books, that was me. I’ve never not had a pen in my hand since I could hold one.

Ross: Maybe a series of willies could be your next project?
Miles: That’s a good idea. They used to be really detailed, like competing in Olympic events or wearing suits of armour. I’ve always liked it when people with a talent use it to take the mickey and not take themselves too seriously. I’ve much more respect for people who have a bit of fun with their talent.

Ross: Did you have fun with this Wasder collaboration?
Miles: I loved it. It was a really fun idea. My drawing technique is thinking by doing, I’ll just sit and draw random shapes and see what comes from it. For example, with the cry-laughing sticker, I just drew a random blob and started to think, “Okay, that looks like its mouths, looks like it’s got eyes there” then, each time, I’d adapt it until it became the actual image.

Ross: I think the fun element you talked about definitely came through with your stickers. Very playfully creative.
Miles: Yeah, I think if someone is having fun when creating, It’s easy for people to see and recognize the artist was having fun, and I think that comes through with a lot of my work.

S12 ft Milesdogeyes Wasder Pass Stickers

Ross: Speaking of having fun, it’s only right we talk about video games. You’re quite an avid player, right?
Miles: Well, I’ve got like 400+ games on Playstation, I’ve been game sharing with my friend, and he’s going through them all saying, “Why have you got so many games?!”. I love video games. That’s my evenings. When the dog has been for a walk, I’ll come home, close the curtains, maybe have a candle on the go to set the mood, and then sit there and play games. If I’m drawing, on my motorbike or playing games, that’s where I feel my zen.

Ross: Do you have an affinity for fighting games like Street Fighter or Tekken? In a prior conversation, you told me you also train in Muay Thai & Kick Boxing.
Miles: Do you know what, I like my first-person shooters, but I do find myself falling back to Tekken again and again throughout my whole life, Me and my friend have had a running Tekken tournament between us for the past ten years. I’ll definitely get Tekken 8 when it comes out.

Ross: If we think about art and gaming as two worlds of self-expression, as an artist, do you take extra notice of art design in games?
Miles: I massively pay attention to art design, especially in open-world games where I’ll just stand in the world looking all around me, checking out all the details and seeing if and how the world reacts to me.

Ross: Do you find that your passion for gaming influences or is represented in your art?
Miles: Maybe, I’m not necessarily sure if they influence each other, but I’ve been doing both for the same amount of time. Since I had my first PS1 was about the time I started drawing on everything. In fact, I’m pretty sure I drew on my PS1. I don’t know if they’ve developed together but definitely alongside each other.

Ross: It’s interesting to hear both passions and forms of self-expression were born simultaneously.
Miles: Now you mention it, If I actually think about it, drawing and video games have been the two constants in my life. Video games are for going into another world, and drawing is to bring worlds out of your head into this one.

Ross: Where can people find your art, and what else are you working on?
Miles: At the minute, you can find me on Instagram @milesdogeyes. I’m compiling a collection of prints and more work within the digital art space, and I’ve got some custom art for skateboards on the go. I’m also in the process of a new project which is commission-based portraits of yourself or loved ones that are just playfully horrible, you know, like eyes hanging out your head with goblin ears in the Dogeyes style. I’ve had quite a few people recently reach out for paintings, prints and commissions. I take those requests on my Instagram, DM me if you’d like some of my art!

Ross: I can say from the team it’s been a pleasure working with you and having this chat. Is there anything else you would like to add?
Miles: The Wasder collaboration was a great opportunity for me to experiment and create with digital techniques and as much as I plan to do more digital art, you can expect me to be still ripping up paper and throwing pens everywhere. Shout out to Holly Salthouse for getting me the gig!

S12 — Merging Worlds Ft Milesdogeyes “Hype” Phygital

You can now collect Milesdogeyes pass rewards on the Wasder app, take it to the next level, and rise the Leader Board ranks to win yourself our limited edition phygital prizes. Be sure to check out Milesdogeyes' signature artwork here, and let us know who you would like to see us collaborating with next!




Written by Wasder

Wasder is a social gaming microverse where gamers find new people to play with and interact with the games and publishers that they love!

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