Hello and welcome to the first official update from Wasder here on Medium. It’s been an exciting week for everyone to say the least! After a fantastic launch on the Ethereum network, we received several comments from our community that the fees on the Ethereum network are too high, and that prompted us to accelerate what we will announce here today.
Announcing BSC Network Launch
For all our friends on the BSC network — we’re coming! We will have a micro-IDO (meaning extremely limited) on a launch platform that will be announced very soon. After that, you will be able to buy WAS on the BSC network via both our friends at 0.exchange, and via Pancakeswap.
Exact dates will be announced early next week!
Liquidity Staking and Yield Farming
We will have liquidity staking and yield farming on the Binance Smart Chain network, and it’s starting very soon (right after the aforementioned IDO). We will be emitting 50M WAS tokens (that’s about $1,500,000 at the IDO price of $0.03) over the next 60 days. Platform and pairs will be announced next week!
On top of that, we will also have single asset yield farming, staking, or whatever you wanna call it. What does that mean? That means that you can lock up your tokens for a certain amount of time and we will reward you for doing that!
Single Asset Staking With Lockups — Phase 1:
Diamond Tier — Lock your tokens for 365 days and get 100% APY. (Limited availability).
Platinum Tier — Lock your tokens for 180 days and get 75% APY. (Limited availability).
Gold Tier — Lock your tokens for 90 days and get 50% APY. (Limited availability).
Silver Tier— Lock your tokens for 60 days and get 25% APY. (Limited availability).
Bronze Tier — Lock your tokens for 30 days and get 10% APY. (Limited availability).
Bonus & Reward System
At Wasder we want to reward everyone that adds positivity to our token eco-system, no matter if you are a big fish or small spawn (or prawn?). The first rewards will be activated next week, here is a small sneak peek of what to expect:
NFT Reactions
Wasder introduces the Reaction Bar update — the Reactions Bar will feature a number of pre-set reactions, but what makes Wasder reactions unique for token holders is a combination of permanent unique reactions, and unique or limited reaction NFTs. These NFTs can be transfered between users.
Imagine running around on a social platform with millions of users with your own unique reaction that no one else can have, if you don’t trade it for something else, of course.
The Reaction Bar is scheduled to be available in the product early Q3. NFT Support is scheduled before the end of 2021. The same reactions will later on also be implemented into Party Chats where the same NFT’s will get another in-product use.
Upcoming Lockup Bonuses
- Everyone that locks at least 1000 Tokens for 6 months will receive the limited edition $WAS coin reaction NFT. The NFT will be distributed to all eligible users at the end of August, but the actual connection to Wasder and usage will come a little bit later this year.
- A few selected that locks a bigger amount will even get our designer’s help to create YOUR OWN reaction based on your own ideas. A unique limited edition NFT reaction of your choice. The reaction cannot break international or national laws or harass, shame, oppress, or insult any individual or group. Other than that, you are free to choose any reaction you want and we create it for you as a 1 of 1 limited NFT to use in the product.
Will you Become our Myspace Tom?
Our tech team is currently working on implementing the first slice of our new Friends Hub. The Friends Hub is a way for users to have their friends closer and make it easier to find and invite them. This is a huge part of our strive to be the place where gamers keep all their gaming friends no matter what platforms they play on.
Upcoming Lockup Bonuses
- One person that locks a large amount of tokens (number TBD) for a serious time will for the rest of Wasder’s existence be every new user’s automatic friend.
Make us make what you want, for real.
Upcoming Lockup Bonuses
- One person that locks a significant amount of tokens for a serious time will be given the unique opportunity to create a Wasder platform feature of their choice, with a full week access to our design & dev resources. We will make it happen, no matter what it is (ok, within certain limits). Also we will fly you to Stockholm, put you in a fancy hotel so you can really participate with us at our office.
- The feature cannot break international or national laws, cause any security liabilities for Wasder or harass, shame, oppress, insults any individual or group. Duh.
Locking our company wallets
To further instill trust and to make sure no one is worried about the company wallets being unlocked, we have now locked away total of 593,000,000 $WAS tokens via www.team.finance. They will be locked until the next distribution, when we will distribute according to the vesting schedule in our tokenomis (https://wasder.gg/token-info/index.html) and then we’ll lock them up again.
We love our community and we want to make sure we are as transparent as possible.
P.S. We will have more updates on pretty much every part of this announcement next week. Keep your eyes and ears open!
Be a gamer. Always!
Team Wasder